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Gabel linen online

For a gift, for a wedding trousseau, or simply to complete your wardrobe. The Gabel linen collection , available for sale online from our website, represents a perfect solution for many occasions, both in private contexts such as the home and in accommodation facilities such as hotels and more. The Gabel name, synonymous with true Made in Italy for over fifty years, offers dozens of superiorly manufactured linen items: quilts, single and double sheets, padded throws, duvet covers, bedspreads, but also placemats, towels and much more. For the bed, for the bathroom, for the living area, for the table and the kitchen or for children, the range of Gabel linen items satisfies every need, respecting those values ​​that today the public seeks, demands and appreciates. Aware of the interests and expectations of our customers, we at Benasciutti Casa have decided to offer all this at truly advantageous conditions, with significant discounts on the original price . Choose your Gabel laundry item now.

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