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Benasciutti Casa - Happidea

Asciugamano con ospite da bagno Happidea 460 gr Porpora

SKU 8300160116101

Happidea set 1+1 asciugamano da viso e ospite
Misura asciugamano da viso 60x110 cm M
isure asciugamano ospite 40x60 cm
Materiale: 100% spugna di puro cotone
Lavabile in lavatrice a 40 ° C
Disponibile in diversi colori 
15,45 10,30 -33%

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Estimated delivery to Monday 03/03

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  • Collections Feel like color Happidea
  • Brand Happidea
  • Manufacturer 100% Cotton
  • Country of Production italy
  • prezzo - 20 euro
  • Set includes 1 towel and 1 small towel
  • Kind Towels
  • Color Multicoloured
  • Size 60x110 cm - 40x60 cm.

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